
- Mohsen Kadivar 5 April 2024“Major elements of Islamic Shari’a are human dignity, justice, fairness and freedom: there is no force, no compulsion in the case of faith and religion.” An excerpt from the first part of ResetDOC’s latest video-interview with Mohsen Kadivar, Professor of Islamic Studies at Duke University, on pluralism in Islam.
- Mona Harb 29 September 2022Lebanon’s unique power-sharing system used to be celebrated as a model of effective democracy in a highly diverse context. That is no longer the case. Prof. Mona Harb (AUB) explains why in the second part of this video-interview shot on the margins of Reset DOC’s 2022 Venice Seminars, “Between State and Civil Society: Who Protects Individual Liberties and Human Dignity?”
- Massimo Campanini 15 October 2020To open the way for a fresh and reformist reading and understanding of the Qur’an, Massimo Campanini refers to the teachings of Edmund Husserl and Enzo Paci on God’s truth not being absolute but telos, an objective, a truth to be reached as as to Egyptian philosopher Hassan Hanafi’s concept that “God is not logos but praxis”” Gos is man’s action in society and in history.
- 22 July 2020Hagia Sophia, which means “divine wisdom” in Greek, has been subjected to many worldly yearnings of power and symbolism. There is no doubt that altering the status of the great church has always meant domination through control of its symbolism. President Erdogan frequently uses the Ottoman conquest and the right of the sword as part of his symbolic political vocabulary. However, there is a world of difference between the Ottoman conquest and transformation of the Church and Erdogan’s reversal of Ataturk’s decision.
- Nayla Tabbara 28 January 2019Islam calls for unity within diversity says Nayla Tabbara, co-founder of the Lebanese Adyan Foundation for Solidarity, Diversity and Human Dignity.
- Pei Wang 3 January 2019The practice of toleration with the attitude of tolerance. Interview with Pei Wang from Tsinghua University.
- Recognition of our religious diversity and plurality should be the fundamental task of toleration, says Josè Casanova from Georgetown University.
- Cengiz Aktar 13 November 2018Why did political Islam fail? And why did political Islam in Turkey, which started as a rising star turno into a political monster? Interview with Cengiz Aktar.
- Lisa Anderson 22 January 2018More and more citizens feel abandoned or betrayed by their State, by the Welfare State, says Lisa Anderson.