- Sheri Berman 8 January 2020In the late 20th century most of the center-left parties in the West moved to the center on economic questions that opened up the way for new parties: populist right-wing parties and green parties that robbed the left of its distinctive historical role and profile.
- Yael Tamir 3 December 2019The reemergence of nationalism is a sensible response to the changing social, political and economic circumstances rather than an uncontrolled outburst of destructive human qualities. The less well-off revoke national feelings in order to convince the elites to come back home from their global voyage and put their nation first. How can we progressive liberals combine national and liberal ideas able to give answers to those vulnerable left behind by globalization?
- Patrick Deneen 18 November 2019For all its benefits, why is liberalism failing, and making so many people unhappy, asks Patrick Deneen? Liberalism failed because it has succeeded. Its liberation of the individual coincides with a sense of political and economic powerlessness for ordinary citizens.
- Jon Elster 11 November 2019Globalization has generated a real and a felt threat of poverty, insecurity and inequality. But there are both winners and losers.
- Soli Özel 23 September 2019The West lost its legitimacy to say that only it can manage the world economy and the disruptive impact of the new technologies has been eating away citizenship reflexes and democratic engagement.
- Stanley Greenberg 6 September 2019People in America once again engage strongly in politics. They have enough of anti-government, anti-immigration and polarization extremism that blocks democratic governance.
- Ece Temelkuran 3 July 2019We are going through a certain era where human dignity is neglected but pride is mobilized and organized by right-wing populists. If we do not have a global conversation and global solidarity against this loop of political “ice age”, we are going to end up in a more infantilized world.
- Maurizio Ferrera 17 June 2019Identity politics emphasizes difference: that is not a good way of keeping and promoting social and political cohesion. I agree with Mark Lilla, says Maurizio Ferrera commenting on his book ” The Once and Future Liberal. The question is how to revive equal and free citizenship and update the new challenges and new configurations of risks, needs and opportunities in the 21st century.
- Mark Lilla 28 May 2019A problem not only amongst American liberals but increasingly amongst the Left throughout the West: identity versus citizenship. Differences amongst people became more important than what they have in common. The Identity Politics created a vacuum which the radical right took over, says Mark Lilla in his book “The Once and Future Liberal”.
- Alessandro Ferrara 27 May 2019In Plato’s metaphor of the cave, a philosopher leaves the cave and brings back news from the world outside. A single fugitive can bring one truth, but several fugitive-philosophers would bring back diverse accounts. None of them can be proven the one unquestionably true account of what is outside the cave. That authority in the cave rules legitimately when confined to the area of overlapping of these accounts: that is what John Rawls calls public “reason”. This way of justifying a pluralistic stance, avoids the trap of turning the defense of pluralism into a non-plural truth and understands it as “most reasonable for us”.