AnalysesMedia and Communication
The lack of journalistic coverage during conflicts like the one in Rwanda is not just oversight; it is a form of media framing. Media framing is the act of selecting and organizing information to make sense of events, deciding what to highlight or omit. This inevitable practice in journalism shapes public perception and politics. Some conflicts receive extensive coverage, while others remain in the shadows.
PublicationsMedia and Communication
The apparent demise of Russia’s liberal ideas and expectations determine the role of the remaining institutions and actors in promoting an alternative liberalism that, although weakened, remains credible. This second volume of Reset’s ‘Russia Workshop’ collects a selection of the ‘State and Political Discourse in Russia’ conference proceedings.
ConveningMedia and Communication
Online (Zoom)
The 2021 Carthage Seminars and Summer School will explore the theme of cultural pluralism in the Media, both traditional and digital, with particular attention paid to information technologies and how news spreads. What are the principal sources of information in the Arab and Muslim World? Who finances them, who owns them, who controls them culturally? Who is in the position to guarantee or impede freedom of speech and the plurality of public discourse? The courses and workshops will explore the status of pluralism in the Arab and Muslim world and the communities the world over.
The international association Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations, founded by Nina zu Fürstenberg and Giancarlo Bosetti, will present the Reset‐Dialogues on Civilizations Award for intercultural dialogue to the short film “Vivo e Veneto” (Italy 2014, 8’) within the context of the 21st edition of the Capalbio International Short Film Festival, hosted in the Tuscan town from July 24th to July 27th. The film was presented in the category for Short Comedy and directed by Francesco Bovo.


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