  • 7 October 2010
    On November 9th Unesco’s Secretary General Irina Bokova announced that World Philosophy Day will no longer be held in Teheran, where the 2010 edition had originally been scheduled, and that not even secondary events will be held in the Iranian capital. All recognition from Unesco has been officially withdrawn. The decision at last ended Unesco’s embarrassment and made Tehran’s isolation even more obvious (Click here to read the Iranian regime's outraged reaction.) The merit also goes to the debate that resulted from protests from Resetdoc, which started with the letter we sent to UNESCO’s director. After receiving much support for our appeal, we opened a webpage dedicated to launching an alternative World Philosophy Day ( As The New York Times wrote when reporting on our initiative, UNESCO risked «turning its “school of freedom” into a propaganda exercise for a brutal regime.» (See also the aricles that The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Il Corriere della Sera, (Hamid Dabashi and Binesh Hass) and Insidehighered have written about our protest.)Unesco at last cancels the Tehran World Philosophy DayOur small victoryThe Civic Task of Philosophy Ramin JahanbeglooWhy The Guardian is wrong Fred DallmayrMore articles
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