  • Next autumn Tunisians will go to the polls to elect the President of the Republic. The Election’s date has not been confirmed, and the main opposition coalition, Chebbi’s National Salvation Front, has announced they will boycott the vote unless three conditions will be met: the electoral commission will be independent, the main Islamist party, Ennahda, will be allowed to re-open its headquarters, and all political prisoners will be freed. When Tunisians last voted for presidential elections, all those conditions were in place, but in the past few years, political and civil liberties have shrunk to the extent that the country is not only “partly” free but its democratic ranking continues to deteriorate, year on year.
  • Ilaria Romano 30 October 2023
    Tunisia faces challenges managing a surge in refugees and migrants, with 11,000 registered by the UNHCR, making it a major departure point for those heading to Europe. The country lacks proper infrastructure for immigration, providing minimal support to registered migrants. The EU signed a Memorandum of Understanding to address the issue, but obstacles and human rights concerns persist, with Tunisia rejecting the first EU aid installment.
  • Ilaria Romano 6 October 2023
    A reportage about the sub-Saharian migrants who arrived in Tunisia with the idea of embarking and reaching Italian shores after grueling journeys and long periods of detention behind them, spent in migrant centers in Libya. In many of their stories, they have already attempted the crossing to the Italian island of Lampedusa, but have been stopped and sent back by the National Guard, or have been left at the mercy of the waves with their engine failing before being brought back to shore by some passing fishing boat
  • Rabii El Gamrani 5 October 2023
    Virtual racism against sub-Saharan migrants is flourishing on social media in the Maghreb region, with groups promoting xenophobia and racist content. Conspiracy theories and fake news contribute to the spread of these narratives, portraying migrants as a demographic threat. However, in real-life interactions, racism appears to be less prevalent, as many Moroccans and sub-Saharans coexist peacefully.
  • Rabii El Gamrani 31 March 2023
    Morocco introduced a National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum in 2014 to integrate migrants into society. A legalization campaign granted residence permits to thousands of sub-Saharan migrants. However, challenges persist, including inadequate legal instruments, unclear regularization procedures, and difficulties finding employment. The UNHCR handles asylum claims, leading to long waiting times. Tightening permit renewal conditions have left many migrants in limbo, fearing deportation. Some migrants have successfully integrated into society, but the overall management of migration remains complex, with limited local involvement and growing impatience among some Moroccans towards migrants.
  • Rabii El Gamrani 13 February 2023
    On one of Casablanca’s busiest thoroughfares and in the adjacent and centrally located Ouled Ziane bus station, in the construction site of the tracks of the third tram line, hundreds of sub-Saharan citizens camp out day and night, consuming their lives waiting and idle and living on handouts and gimmicks. They are so-called transit migrants whose goal – unlike other sub-Saharan nationals who have chosen to settle in Morocco – is to reach the other side of the Mediterranean.
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