  • A conversation with Laura Boldrini, spokesperson for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, UNHCR. By Ilaria Romano 22 April 2011
    In recent days the UNHCR has invited donor countries to provide the necessary financial assistance needed for humanitarian aid in Libya and neighbouring countries. In the meantime it continues to work with local agencies on the shores of the Mediterranean. In some cases work also consists of searching for people who have taken to the sea and for whom all trace has been lost.
  • Elisa Pierandrei 21 April 2011
    At the international conference entitled “Recreating Babel; teaching cosmopolitism” organized by the Intercultura Foundation in Milan from April 7th to the 9th, 36 experts (among them Fred Dallmayr, John Lupien, Giancarlo Bosetti, Marco Aime, and Ramin Jahanbegloo) explained how social, political and economic events in the 20th Century, including the very recent events in North Africa and Japan, are almost all of an international nature and allow us to understand well how it is impossible to live within the political and cultural borders of one’s own state or nation.
  • Amara Lakhous 21 March 2011
    International constitutions and conventions must be respected without resorting to subterfuge. Every foreigner arriving in Italy must be permitted to present a request for asylum. This is a constitutional right. The commission appointed to examine the requests will then establish whether a person has the right or not to refugee status and protection. For as long as such a law exists, one has no choice but to apply it, if not applied the law should be changed or repealed.
  • Massimo Campanini 1 February 2011
    One of the brighter aspects is the popular participation in a largely spontaneous and uncoordinated movement, which cuts across Egyptian society and sees mainly women and young people demonstrating. However there is a lack of an executive body of the revolution, a party in particular that could act as a hegemonic drive and one that is able to interpret the revolt in institutional terms.
  • Nicola Missaglia 1 December 2010
    On November 17th 2010, ResetDoc and the Swiss University organisation UFSP Asia and Europe organised a conference on this subject in Zurich, on the theme “Islam in Europe”. Widely reported by the Swiss press, the event was held in the assembly hall at Zurich University, filled with students, professors and ordinary citizens, bearing witness to the fact that the need to address subjects such as pluralism, relations with Islam and European democracies, democratic dialectics between the majority and the minorities, tension between liberal principles and the traditional instruments of democratic deliberation, is a need that a rising number of people consider pressing.
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