  • Yael Tamir 3 December 2019
    The reemergence of nationalism is a sensible response to the changing social, political and economic circumstances rather than an uncontrolled outburst of destructive human qualities. The less well-off revoke national feelings in order to convince the elites to come back home from their global voyage and put their nation first. How can we progressive liberals combine national and liberal ideas able to give answers to those vulnerable left behind by globalization?
  • Yadh Ben Achour 11 October 2019
    In advance of the crucial second round of Presidential elections, the former president of Tunisia’s Higher Political Reform Commission Yadh Ben Achour delivered a fervent appeal to save democracy, in Tunisia and elsewhere from its own malaise: by adjusting its structural weaknesses and distortions and, most importantly, by eradicating the scourge of poverty and popular frustration. Here’s the full trasncript of his keynote speech pronounced last September 20th at the ResetDOC / CAREP international conference in Tunis.  
  • Andrea Walton 9 September 2019
    On the edge of the most prosperous part of Europe, the Republic of Moldova is nonetheless one of the poorest countries of the Old Continent. Crushed between Romania and Ukraine, the country is experiencing a severe and ongoing political, economic and social crisis.
  • Maurizio Ferrera 17 June 2019
    Identity politics emphasizes difference: that is not a good way of keeping and promoting social and political cohesion. I agree with Mark Lilla, says Maurizio Ferrera commenting on his book ” The Once and Future Liberal. The question is how to revive equal and free citizenship and update the new challenges and new configurations of risks, needs and opportunities in the 21st century.
  • In Plato’s metaphor of the cave, a philosopher leaves the cave and brings back news from the world outside. A single fugitive can bring one truth, but several fugitive-philosophers would bring back diverse accounts. None of them can be proven the one unquestionably true account of what is outside the cave. That authority in the cave rules legitimately when confined to the area of overlapping of these accounts: that is what John Rawls calls public “reason”. This way of justifying a pluralistic stance, avoids the trap of turning the defense of pluralism into a non-plural truth and understands it as “most reasonable for us”.
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