Bolsonaro’s new Ministry of Education has spearheaded the anti-intellectualism advanced by the president. Since his election campaign took shape, President Bolsonaro’s persecution and revanchist attitude towards universities and academics have intensified the political division in Brazil.
Latin America
- Federico Finchelstein 14 January 2019The new president represents an example of anti-political trend.
- Riccardo Cristiano 6 September 2017The journey that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is beginning today goes well beyond Colombia’s borders
- Luigi Spera 29 August 2017The term used by more than 70 jurists in their denounce manifesto signed in the last days in Rio de Janeiro is “social apartheid”.
- Valeria Fraschetti 8 June 2017Colombia’s march towards peace is slow and slippery. The blow suffered last autumn by President Juan Manuel Santos, when the majority of Colombians rejected the Havana agreements
- Ilaria Romano 1 June 2017Armed conflicts, civilians debased by both terrorist groups and dictatorial governments, a worrying repression of dissent and waves of populism and racism experiencing a staggering rise
- Gianni Del Panta 6 April 2017In the mid-1970s democracy seemed to have fallen to an all-time low. In Latin America, two of the most successful democratic stories, Uruguay and Chile, were violently overthrown by military coups in 1973,
- In all countries, established political parties have the dangerous propensity to counter this electoral wave of populism by adopting the issues and language used by them.