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Videos Africa
How to develop democracy in Latin America or Africa, not just applying Western ideas but adapting local culture? Asks von Vacano: “if we understand theories across cultures we might be able to develop more permanent conceptions and constitutions that are democratic. Example: all inclusion of minorities – where already the ancient Athenian democracy model failed – Bolivia today has incorporated the indigenous groups, applying its cultural roots into democratic theory and constitution.”
Venice (Italy)
Reset Dialogues on Civilizations in collaboration with the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is organizing an ONLINE five days summer school and a two days conference addressing issues concerning global intellectual history and study how modern nation-states have engaged with issues of difference and integration, including the themes of subnational identities and linguistic, ethnic and religious minorities in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.  
Milan (Italy)
Reset DOC in collaboration with BookCity Milano will present and engage in an open debate on its last volume titled “Mediterranean Challenge: What Pushes People from Africa Northwards”. If you’re based in Milan, join us at Cascina Casottello.