Table of Contents
Foreword V
José Casanova
Exiting Violence: From Texts to Religions 1
Debora Tonelli, Gerard Mannion
Part I: The Analytical – Historical Approach
Visions of Great Peace: Thinking through Chinese Religions on Personal
and Socio-Political Harmony 19
Louis Komjathy 康思奇
Legitimation and Sanctification: Texts, Stories and Violence in Religious
Contexts 47
Ian Reader
Radical Buddhism in Sri Lanka 69
Enzo Pace
Counter-Secularism and Religious Revivalism 85
Assaf Sharon
The Global Fate of the Ummah and Its Significance for Violence and
Islam 107
Jocelyne Cesari
The Bible, Identity, and Violence: Violence and Biblical Interpretations in
North America 125
Leo D. Lefebure
The Challenge of Dual and Plural Legal Systems: Religious and Secular
Jurisdiction 151
Gloria M. Moran
Part II: The Philosophical and Theological Reflection
Religion, Politics and Violence: Overcoming the Shadow of
Transvaluation 179
Gerard Mannion
The Political Role of Biblical Hermeneutics: A Tool for Legitimating or
Countering (Religious) Violence 193
Debora Tonelli
In the Time of the Nations: Faith contra Violence 211
Fred Dallmayr
Theologizing Contextually: Sketches of an Indian Experience 225
Vincent Sekhar SJ
Exiting Violence: Women of Faith as Strategic Peacebuilders, Challenges
and Opportunities 247
Maryann Cusimano Love
Dialogue of Life: A Precondition for Interreligious Dialogue 269
Wolfgang Palaver
The Rebel and the Prophet: Violence and Nonviolence in Colombia 285
Iván Garzón Vallejo, Andrés Felipe Agudelo