  • In the 20th and 21st centuries, where violence has scarred countless lives, the interplay between religion, politics, and conflict remains a complex web. Exiting Violence looks to untangle some of these knots, showing not only how faith can ignite bloodshed, but also how it can inspire peace and build bridges. From Biblical hermeneutics to Buddhism, from secularism to legal systems, Exiting Violence offers a nuanced and thought-provoking exploration of the multifaceted role religion plays in the human struggle for peace and justice.
  • Monograph
    Special Issue: Dublin Seminars 2023; Nationalism, Nation-Building, and the Decline of Empires This volume gathers the articles presented at the 2023 ResetDOC Dublin Seminars, which were held online from May 25 to May 27, 2023. The 2022 Venice Seminars addressed the topic of “Nationalism, Nation-Building, and the Decline of Empires” Editor: Riccardo Mario Cucciolla
  • Monograph
    Special Issue: Venice Seminars 2022; Between State and Civil Society: Who Protects Individual Liberties and Human Dignity? This volume gathers the articles presented at the 2022 ResetDOC Venice Seminars, which were held online from May 23 to May 28, 2022. The 2022 Venice Seminars addressed the topic of “Between State and Civil Society: Who Protects Individual Liberties and Human Dignity?“ Editors: Alessandro Ferrara, Volker Kaul and David Rasmussen
  • This book confronts the key questions surrounding comparative secularism in historical perspective. The contributions critically consider the normative ideas and alternative political arrangements that govern religion’s relation to politics and to the public and private spheres. Containing contributions by world-renowned scholars such as Michael Walzer, Asma Afsaruddin and Sudipta Kaviraj, this book recounts the arguments, debates, and disputations regarding secular arguments for accommodating religion. With the addition of many non-Western experiences and viewpoints on how secularism is theorized and lived, politically and historically and from Europe and Asia to Africa and the Americas, this volume is of great value political philosophers across the globe.
  • Monograph
    From poetry to cinema, from microblogging to theater, from literature to journalism, arts and media are always a fertile ground for experimentation and imagination, creativity and political dissent. That is the case across Arab and Muslim societies, too. The output of the 2021 edition of the Carthage Seminars, this e-book strives to shed light on those very intellectual resources – often neglected, at times repressed – to unpack the complexity of societies and cultural experiences across the MENA region. A specific focus is provided, in the second part, on the social and cultural ferment in Tunisia, a particularly interesting reality, that deserves special attention in this season of great political and democratic uncertainty. 
  • Monograph
    Special Issue: Venice Seminars 2021; Free Speech, Its Primacy and Challenges This volume gathers the articles presented at the 2021 ResetDOC Venice Seminars, which were held online from May 24 to May 28, 2021. The 2021 Venice Seminars addressed the topic of “Free Speech, Its Primacy and Challenges” Editors: Alessandro Ferrara, Volker Kaul and David Rasmussen   Download the pdf version here.
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