In the Middle East today, conflicts along religious and ethnic dimensions create situations in which minorities are in great danger. It is important to look at how constitutions and their supporting institutions can protect religious pluralism and toleration in mixed or divided societies. What are the constitutional arrangements that are the most successful in ensuring minority rights? How can constitutions deal with the tensions between individual and communal rights? What can we harness from local social, political and cultural traditions in various Middle East and North African cultures to aid the development of constitutions that promote pluralism?
Download the poster of the conference (PDF)
- Un progetto Reset-Dialogues e Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, a cura di Giancarlo Bosetti, Università degli Studi di Milano, Politecnico, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Radio Popolare e con il Patrocinio del Comune di Milano.Scarica qui il modulo di iscrizione per l'autunno 2013 (PDF)Scarica qui la locandina del ciclo autunnale 2013 (PDF)
- Download:10-11-12 October 2013 – CONFERENCE PROGRAM (pdf)
- Capalbio Cinema 2013
- A Summer Conference and School on Borders, Sovereignty, Rights
- A Summer Conference and School on Borders, Sovereignty, Rights
- The sixth edition of the Istanbul Seminars will be held on May 16-22, 2013 at Istanbul Bilgi University. Topic: “The Sources of Political Legitimacy. From the Erosion of the Nation-State to the Rise of Political Islam”
- Clicca qui per tutte le informazioni sugli Istanbul Seminars 2013, che si terranno dal 16 al 22 maggio presso la Istanbul Bilgi University.
- l'8 maggio 2013 una lectio magistralis del Premio Nobel Shirin Ebadi all'Università LUISS di Roma
- Premio Reset-Dialogues nell'ambito di Rendez-Vous, appuntamento con il nuovo cinema francese - Alla Casa del Cinema di Roma, 18 aprile 2013 ore 20.00