Dublin 2024, Dreams of Peace and Realities of War
The Friend-Enemy Polarization
Dublin, Ireland

Asma Afsaruddin is the Class of 1950 Herman B Wells Professor and Professor of  Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at Indiana University, Bloomington. Her research interests include the religious and political thought of Islam, Qur’anic hermeneutics, hadith studies, issues of war and peace, and gender studies. She received her Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic studies from Johns Hopkins University and previously taught at Harvard University and the University of Notre Dame. She is the author and editor of nine books, including Jihad: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2023); the award-winning Striving in the Path of God: Jihad and Martyrdom in Islamic Thought (Oxford University Press, 2013), Contemporary Issues in Islam (Edinburgh University Press, 2015), and The First Muslims: History and Memory (Oneworld Publications, 2008), which has been translated into multiple languages. Her research has been funded by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, the American Research Institute of Turkey, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, which named her a Carnegie Scholar in 2005. In 2019 she was inducted into the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars in recognition of her academic and professional accomplishments.


Mustafa Akyol is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, where he focuses on the intersection of public policy, Islam, and modernity. He is the author of books such as Reopening Muslim Minds: A Return to Reason, Freedom, and Tolerance, and Why, As A Muslim, I  Defend Liberty. He was a longtime contributing opinion writer for The New York Times, and he teaches classes at Boston College, Foreign Service Institute, and Acton University. “The Thinking Muslim,” a popular podcast, defined Akyol as “probably the most notable Muslim modernist and reformer.”


Franco Baldasso is Fellow of the American Academy in Rome and author of two books, Il cerchio di gesso. Primo Levi narratore e testimone (Bologna, 2007); and Curzio Malaparte, la letteratura crudele. Kaputt, La pelle e la caduta della civiltà europea (Carocci, 2019). He is also coeditor, with Simona Wright, of an issue of NeMLA-Italian Studies titled “Italy in WWII and the Transition to Democracy: Memory, Fiction, Histories.” His articles have appeared in Modern Language Notes, Romance Notes, The Italianist, Modern Language Notes, Context, NeMLA-Italian Studies, Allegoria, Poetiche, and Scritture Migranti. He is the recipient of many awards, including the 2019 Rome Prize in Modern Italian Studies, the Remarque Institute Visiting Fellowship, the Center for Italian Modern Art Affiliated Fellowship at Civitella Ranieri Foundation, and the A. W. Mellon Dissertation Fellowship. Baldasso is external editor of the journal Allegoria, and member of the scientific committee of the Archivio della Memoria della Grande Guerra of the Centro Studi sulla Grande Guerra “P. Pieri” in Vittorio Veneto (TV). He is currently finalizing a book project titled Against Redemption: Democracy, Literature and Memory in Post-Fascist in Italy.


Rajeev Bhargava was until recently a Professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi, was between 2007-2014 its Director and is currently the Founder-Director of the Centre’s Parekh Institute of Indian Thought. He is a permanent (honorary) fellow at Balliol College (Oxford). He has been a Professor of political science at Jawaharlal Nehru University and the University of Delhi, a fellow in Ethics at Harvard University, Columbia University, Stanford University, New York University, Institute of Advanced Studies (Jerusalem), Wissenschaftskolleg (Berlin), Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna), Australian Catholic University (Sydney), and University of Leipzig. His many publications include Reimagining Secularism (2023), Between Hope and Despair (2022), The Promise of India’s Secular Democracy (2010), Politics and Ethics of The Indian Constitution (2008), Secularism and its Critics (1998) and Individualism in Social Sciences (1992). His work on secularism and individualism is internationally acclaimed. He has been on the board of several national and international Institutes.  


Giancarlo Bosetti is the Executive Chair and one of the founders of Reset DOC and Reset, a cultural magazine he founded in 1993 with Nina zu Fürstenberg. He was deputy-editor of the Italian daily L’Unità and later columnist for the Italian daily La Repubblica. He is the editor-in-chief of the web-magazine of Resetdoc.org. He has been adjunct professor of Sociology of Communication at University of Rome La Sapienza and University Roma Tre. He published The lesson of this century (Routledge, 2000), a book-interview with Karl Popper; Cattiva maestra televisione (transl. in French, La télévision: un danger pour la démocratie, Anatolia, 1995, and in many other languages). Among his books: Spin. Trucchi e Tele-imbrogli della Politica, Marsilio, 2007; Il fallimento dei laici furiosi (2009); La verità degli altri. La scoperta del pluralismo in dieci storie, Bollati Boringhieri, 2020 (transl. in English, The Truth of Others, The Discovery of Pluralism in Ten Tales, Springer 2023). His latest book with Giuliano Amato and Vincenzo Paglia is Il sogno di Cusano. Dialoghi post-secolari e la politica inaridita di oggi, Baldini + Castoldi, 2024. 


Marina Calloni is Full Professor and Chair of Political and Social Philosophy at the  University of Milan-Bicocca, Phd in Philosophy and PhD in Social and Political Science. She is president of the Italian Society of Critical Theory and director of the research center ADV – Against Domestic Violence. Calloni is advisor to the “Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Femicide and all forms of Gender Violence” at the Senate of the Italian Republic and collaborates with the Council of Europe – OCEAN (Open Council of Europe Academic Network) for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. She was a Research Fellow at the New School for Social Research and at the Italian Academy – Columbia University. She taught at the Universities of Notre Dame, Lodz Frankfurt, Bremen, Vienna Lugano, Hannover, Kurume, and was Senior Researcher at the  Gender Institute of the London School of Economics. She is editor of the book series RiGenerAzioni (Castelvecchi). She is co-founder of Reset and member of the Board of Directors of Reset DOC. She is Editorial Associate at Constellations and collaborates with different journals, newspapers, and magazines. She has published in several languages more than 270 scientific works  on social philosophy and political theory; human rights and fundamental freedoms; gender issues; critical theory of society; critique of violence; citizenship and public sphere; research networks and international cooperation. In 2020 the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, awarded her the title of “Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.”


Rebecca Carr teaches in the European Studies Department at Trinity College Dublin, where she received two teaching awards. She wrote her PhD (2021) on trauma and cultural mythology in films from the genre she calls “aftermath cinema”. She holds BAs in Psychology, and in Film, Literature and Drama, and an MPhil in Textual and Visual Studies. Carr also runs the films section for Trinity’s Centre for Resistance Studies and contributes to the Trinity Access Programme, which facilitates university entry for students from underserved backgrounds. She researches identity, culture and trauma narratives in cinema.


José Casanova is Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University, where he previously taught in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center, where his work focuses on globalization, religions, and secularization, and a member of the advisory board of Reset DOC. He has published works on a broad range of subjects, including religion and globalization, migration and religious pluralism, transnational religions, and sociological theory. His best-known work, Public Religions in the Modern World (1994), has become a modern classic in the field and has been translated into several languages, including Japanese, Arabic, and Turkish. In 2012, Casanova was awarded the Theology Prize from the Salzburger Hochschulwochen in recognition of his life-long achievement in the field of theology.

Mike Cronin has been the Academic Director of Boston College Ireland since 2005. He was educated at the University of Kent and Oxford University where he was awarded his D.Phil. He has published widely on various aspects of Irish history, and is a renowned scholar in the area of sport. He is a regular media commentator on aspects of Irish and sporting history. While at Boston College, Professor Cronin has developed a series of major public history projects based around Irish topics including the 2008-12 GAA Oral History Project, and since 2013, the major online repository and real time history project for the Irish Decade of Centenaries, Century Ireland.

Michael Driessen is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director of the MA program in International Affairs at John Cabot University. He also directs the Rome Summer Seminars on Religion and Global Politics. Michael received his doctorate from the University of Notre Dame and has been a post-doctoral fellow at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Doha, Qatar as well as a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. He also holds a research affiliation with Cambridge University’s Von Hügel Institute and serves as an advisor for the Adyan Foundation in Lebanon. Driessen’s books include The Global Politics of Interreligious Dialogue (Oxford University Press, 2023), Human Fraternity and Inclusive Citizenship: Interreligious Engagement in the Mediterranean (ISPI, 2021; co-edited with Fabio Petito and Fadi Daou), and Religion and Democratization (Oxford University Press, 2014). He has published scholarly articles in Comparative Politics, Sociology of Religion, Politics and Religion, Constellations and Democratization and essays in America Magazine and Commonweal

Sylvie Gangloff is in charge of European projects at the FMSH. Since 2013, she is also a member of the French NCP on SSH projects in H2020 and in Horizon Europe. She holds a PhD Thesis on Turkish policy in the Balkans (Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne). Lately, she has worked on: “Drinking in Turkey: From social coexistence to ideological confrontation”, in Disputes on Alcohol in the Middle east and the Maghreb from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, Palgrave, MacMillan, St Antony’s Series, 2021, pp. 135-159; and the Gagauz minority in Moldova. 

Chiara Giaccardi is a Full Professor in the Department of Media and Performing Arts within the Faculty of Humanities at the Catholic University of Milan. She holds a degree in Philosophy (1984), an MPhil in Semiotics (1989), and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Kent (1991). Previously, she held various academic positions at the Catholic University of Milan, including Associate Professor and Professor of Sociology. Giaccardi has been a visiting fellow at several institutions globally and has directed the Doctoral School in “Culture della Comunicazione” at the Catholic University of Milan since 2009. Her teaching spans undergraduate to PhD levels in areas such as intercultural communication, media sociology, and media anthropology. She is actively involved in several professional committees and research centers, including the Scientific Committee “Aggiornamenti Sociali” and the Board for PhD in Communication Cultures. She has published extensively on topics such as globalization, media, and intercultural communication. Her most recent books include Generare libertà. Accrescere la vita senza distruggere il mondo (Il Mulino, 2024) and Supersocietà. Ha ancora senso scommettere sulla libertà (Il Mulino, 2022), both written in collaboration with Mauro Magatti. Giaccardi has received several awards, including the McLuhan Galaxy International Conference Best Paper Award (2011) and the S. Michele Prize (2011).

Fulvia Giachetti is a Research Fellow in political philosophy at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where she is working on a project on gender cyberviolence in neoliberal societies with Prof. Marina Calloni. She received her Ph.D. in political studies in the history of contemporary political thought on the conceptual history of neoliberalism and its critique at La Sapienza University in Rome, and was a student on the doctoral excellence track of the School of Advanced Studies at the same University (SSAS). She previously graduated in Philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome with a thesis on philosophies of political performativity in analytic and post-structuralist thought. For this thesis, she won the “Lorella Cedroni” Graduate Prize in Political Philosophy. She is currently Director of the scientific journal Polemos. Materiali di Filosofia e Critica Sociale (Donzelli editore) and redactor of the scientific journal Studi Politici (Mimesis editore). She works in international study groups “Groupe d’études sur le néolibéralisme et les alternatives” and “Néolibéralisme et école de Francfort” in Paris. She has written several scientific publications and given several lectures and seminars as an invited speaker at national and international conferences.

Seán Golden, now retired, was Full Professor and Director of the East Asian Studies and Research Centre of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Senior Associate Researcher of the CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) think tank and former Associate Professor of the Barcelona Institute for International Studies. He lived and worked some years in China. Before China, he specialized in Irish Studies, after, in cross-cultural studies, the social history of translation, as well as Chinese thought, politics, and international relations, with numerous publications in English, Spanish and Catalan on these topics.

Nicholas Hayes-Mota is the inaugural Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Director at the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College. Starting in September 2024, he will join the faculty of Santa Clara University as Assistant Professor of Social Ethics. Hayes-Mota received his AB and MDiv from Harvard University, and his PhD in Theological Ethics from Boston College. His research interests include Christian public and political theology, social ethics (with a special focus on Catholic social thought), faith-based organizing and social movements, and theories of “the common good.” Hayes-Mota has published articles in numerous academic and popular journals, and is currently working on his first monograph, tentatively entitled Practicing the Common Good: Catholic Tradition, Community Organizing, and the Virtues of Democratic Politics. In addition to his scholarship and teaching, he is a trainer in public narrative and community organizing with the Leading Change Network (LCN) and a longtime leader within the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF).  

Charles Kupchan is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Professor of international affairs at Georgetown University in the Walsh School of Foreign Service and Department of Government. From 2014 to 2017, Kupchan served as special assistant to the president and senior director for European affairs on the staff of the National Security Council (NSC) in the Barack Obama administration. He was also director for European affairs on the NSC during the first Bill Clinton administration.  Before joining the Clinton NSC, he worked in the U.S. Department of State on the policy planning staff.  Previously, he was an assistant professor of politics at Princeton University. Kupchan is the author of Isolationism: A History of America’s Efforts to Shield Itself From the World (2020), No One’s World: The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn (2012), How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace (2010), The End of the American Era: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the Twenty-first Century (2002), Power in Transition: The Peaceful Change of International Order (2001), Civic Engagement in the Atlantic Community (1999), Atlantic Security: Contending Visions (1998), Nationalism and Nationalities in the New Europe (1995), The Vulnerability of Empire (1994), The Persian Gulf and the West (1987), and numerous articles on international and strategic affairs. Kupchan has served as a visiting scholar at Harvard University’s Center for International Affairs, Columbia University’s Institute for War and Peace Studies, the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, the Centre d’Étude et de Recherches Internationales in Paris, and the Institute for International Policy Studies in Tokyo. From 2006 to 2007, he was the Henry A. Kissinger scholar at the Library of Congress and a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. From 2013 to 2014, he was a senior fellow at the Transatlantic Academy. 

Jonathan Laurence is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College. His principal areas of teaching and research are Comparative Politics and Religion and Politics in Western Europe, Turkey and North Africa. He is a former fellow of the American Academy in Berlin, Wissenchaftszentrum Berlin, Transatlantic Academy at the German Marshall Fund, Fafo Institute/Norwegian Research Council, LUISS University-Rome, Sciences Po-Paris and the Brookings Institution. His last publication is Coping with DefeatSunni Islam, Roman Catholicism and the Modern State with Princeton University Press in 2021. Recently he also edited Secularism in Comparative Perspective (Springer, 2023). Laurence is the Executive Director of Reset Dialogues US. 

Brian Levy joined the faculty of the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University in 2012, following a 23-year career at the World Bank, where he was at the forefront of sustained efforts to integrate governance concerns into the theory and practice of economic development. He also is Academic Director of the Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice at the University of Cape Town. Between 2007 and 2010 he was head of the secretariat responsible for the design and implementation of the World Bank Group’s governance and anti-corruption strategy. He worked in the Bank’s Africa Vice Presidency from 1991 to 2003, where his role included leadership of a major effort to transform and scale-up the organization’s engagement on governance reform. He has worked in over a dozen countries, spanning four continents. He has published numerous books and articles on the institutional underpinnings of regulation, on capacity development in Africa, on industrial policy, and on the political economy of development strategy. His many publications include: Working with the Grain: Integrating Governance and Growth in Development Strategies (2014); Problem-driven Political Economy: The World Bank’s Experience (2014, co-edited with Verena Fritz and Rachel Ort); Building State Capacity in Africa (World Bank Institute, 2004), and Regulations, Institutions and Commitment (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996). Between 1999 and 2003 he led the Bank’s Africa Public Sector Reform and Capacity Building Unit. From 2007-2010 he headed the Bank Group’s governance and anti-corruption secretariat. Prior to joining the Bank he taught economics at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. He completed his PhD in economics at Harvard University in 1983. 

Joséphine Loterie is in charge of documentation and digital mediation for Canal-U, a French audiovisual platform dedicated to research which is hosted by the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. As a specialist in search engine optimisation and indexing, she is particularly interested in the use of persistent identifiers by researchers and research organizations.

Mauro Magatti is Full Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of Milan. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and is the Director of the Centre for the Anthropology of Religion and Cultural Change (ARC) in the same University. He has been Visiting Professor at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, at the Kellogg Institute at the Notre Dame University and at Centre des Etudes Européennes at Sciences Po. His main scientific interests are focussed on the relationship between economy and society, the role of civic society and globalization in its cultural and social implications. Over the years, he has devoted himself to the topic of social generativity. He has been editor of Studi di Sociologia and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Political Anthropology. Among his last publications: Generare libertà. Accrescere la vita senza distruggere il mondo (Il mulino, 2024) with Chiara Giaccardi, and “The Entropic Effect of Globalization and the Sustainability Challenge. Towards a Bifurcation in Glocalism,” Journal of culture, politics, innovation, n.2 2023, with C. Giaccardi.

Chandra Mallampalli is a fellow of the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College. He is the author of four historical monographs and many articles, which examine the intersection of religion, law, and society in colonial South India. Before moving to Boston, he taught for 22 years at Westmont College, where he held the Fletcher Jones Foundation Chair of the Social Sciences. His first three books examine the evolution of Christian, Muslim and Hindu identities in relation to legal and political policies and print media. His most recent book with Oxford University Press (New York), South Asia’s Christians: Between Hindu and Muslim, describes how the lives of Christians have been shaped by centuries of interactions with Hindus and Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. His next project, “The Virtues of Mixture: Religion, Labor Migrants and Cosmopolitanism in the Indian Ocean” examines the experiences of cultural and racial mixture among South Indian labor migrants to West and Southeast Asia, and whether their religious commitments either facilitated or impeded their capacity for world citizenship. 


Jacob Rogozinski is Full Professor of Philosophy at Strasbourg University, where he succeeded Professor Jean-Luc Nancy in 2002. His research focuses on phenomenological thinking of the ego and the body, and on genealogy of exclusion and persecution. He has published Le moi et la chair, Cerf, 2006 (English translation: The Ego and the Flesh, Stanford UP, 2010), Guérir la vie – la Passion d’Antonin Artaud, Cerf, 2011, Cryptes de Derrida, Lignes, 2014 (English translation forthcoming at Indiana UP), Ils m’ont haï sans raison – de la chasse aux sorcières à la Terreur, Cerf, 2015 (English translation forthcoming at SUNY Press), Djihadisme, le retour du sacrifice, Desclée de Brouwer, 2017 (English translation forthcoming at Peter Lang), Moïse, l’insurgé, Cerf 2024. His latest books are The Logic of Hatred, Fordham University Press, 2024, and Inhospitalité, Cerf, 2024.


Assaf Sharon is professor of philosophy at Tel Aviv University and the head of its PPE (Philosophy, Politics, Economics) program. His scholarly interests include the theory of knowledge, political philosophy and ethics. In addition to academic publications he has published articles in the New York Review of Books, The Boston Review, Daily Beast and various other publications. Assaf is among the founders of the Jerusalem thinktank, Molad, where is a senior fellow. He is also a strategic advisor to politicians and civil society organizations and movements.  


Timothy Snyder is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. He speaks five and reads ten European languages. His eight chief books are Nationalism, Marxism, and Modern Central Europe: A Biography of Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz (1998); The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (2003); Sketches from a Secret War: A Polish Artist’s Mission to Liberate Soviet Ukraine (2005); The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke (2008); Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2010), Thinking the Twentieth Century (with Tony Judt, 2012); Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning (2015); On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (2017); and The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America (2018). He has also co-edited three further books: The Wall Around the West: State Borders and Immigration Controls in Europe and North America (2001); Stalin and Europe: Terror, War, Domination (2013); and The Balkans as Europe (2018). His essays are collected in Ukrainian History, Russian Politics, European Futures (2014), and The Politics of Life and Death (2015). Snyder’s work has appeared in forty languages and has received a number of prizes, including the Emerson Prize in the Humanities, the Literature Award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Václav Havel Foundation prize, the Foundation for Polish Science prize in the social sciences, the Leipzig Award for European Understanding, the Dutch Auschwitz Committee award, and the Hannah Arendt Prize in Political Thought.


Nadia Urbinati teaches political theory at Columbia University, New York. Her most recent books are Me The People: How Populism Transforms Democracy (Harvard University Press 2019) and, with Cristina Lafont, The Lottocratic Mentality: Defending Democracy against Lottocracy (Oxford University Press 2024). 


Boyd Van Dijk is an Oxford Martin Fellow at the University of Oxford. Previously, he taught at the LSE, King’s College London, and Queen Mary. He studied history and political science in Amsterdam, Istanbul, Florence, and at Columbia University. He is the author of the award-winning book Preparing for War (Oxford University Press, 2022), which explores the genesis of the Geneva Conventions, the cornerstone of contemporary international law regulating armed conflict. His work has been featured in the Financial Times, Washington Post, and various other prominent outlets. He is now writing a new book on the practice of restraint in armed conflict.



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