India’s general elections kick off today and will be held in phases through June 1, with results to be announced on June 4. Despite a decade-long erosion of rights and the hollowing out of democratic institutions, most polls predict a victory for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party for a third consecutive five-year term. What does an India heading to the polls look like in 2024? How has ten years of BJP rule shaped the world’s largest democracy?
- America’s embarassing retreat from its “longest war” in Afghanistan has damaged so heavily its international credibility, that the questions being asked this month by world governments – as well as non-State actors and movements – may well redefine their strategies for years to come. Here’s a first comparative glance.
- Coping with pressure and repression; seeking new models to keep free journalism, and democracy, alive. A special Dossier.
- Contrary to all predictions of an era dominated by digital agorà, especially for the youngsters, the square is back as the primary place and instrument of protest. A comparative enquiry.
- Indonesia has been able to emerge from years of difficult dictatorship and from the grip of the financial crisis of the late 90s, persisting with the development of its coexistence model.
- From India to Russia, the world is experiencing a new rise of illiberal trends and the return of strongmen. Reset DOC ‘s articles try to analyze this ongoing process and its actors.