Claudia De Martino is a research associate at the Chair of Postcolonial Studies at the CORIS Department of La Sapienza University and a professor of history and philosophy at a public high school in Rome. She has previously worked at several universities, including the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and the PoliMI of Milan, in a network of Mediterranean universities (UNIMED), and as a teaching assistant at the Chair of European and Mediterranean History at the University of Roma Tre. Previously, she was the recipient of the DAAD Annual Scholarship in 2015, obtained her Ph.D. in Social History of the Mediterranean at Ca’ Foscari University in 2012, received an EMU2 scholarship at the Hebrew University (2008), and was a visiting fellow at the Van Leer Institute of Jerusalem in 2009. She is the author of three books on Israel – Israele, Pace senza prosperità (Castelvecchi, 2019), Il nuovo ordine israeliano (Castelvecchi, 2017) and I mizrahim in Israele (Carocci, 2015).

Claudia De Martino