Alessia Passarelli – Biography

Alessia Passarelli is the scientific coordinator of the project “Theologies and Practices of Religious Pluralism”. Her responsibilities include: organising and supporting project-related seminars, developing the project website, collecting articles, fundraising and maintaining relations with partners. She is a researcher in socio-anthropological sciences. Her research areas include the intertwining of migration, religion and integration studies. She has edited several books and published articles in various journals. She holds a laurea in cultural anthropology from the University of Rome La Sapienza and a PhD in sociology from Trinity College Dublin (2015). She is an associate researcher at the Foundation for Religious Studies – Fscire (Bologna) where she works on the European project “the Atlas of Religious or Belief Minorities Rights in European Countries”. She also collaborates with the University of Edinburgh in the research project “Public Theology in the Post-Migrant Society”, with Centro Studi Confronti (Rome) and the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy.



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